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Bradshaw, C., McMahon, C., Miller, P., Lacy, R., Verant, M., Pollack, J., Fordham, D., Watts, M., Prowse, T. & Brook, B. Dynamics of bovine tuberculosis in Australian swamp buffalo based on coupled epidemiological and demographic models 2012 Journal of Applied Ecology
Vol. 49(1), pp. 268-277 
article DOI  
Fordham, D., Wigley, T., Watts, M. & Brook, B. Strengthening forecasts of climate change impacts with multi-model ensemble averaged projections using MAGICC/SCENGEN 5.3 2012 Ecography
Vol. 35, pp. 4-8 
article DOI  
Lam, A., Watts, M.J., Wu, D. & Estévez, P. IEEE CIS Social Media: Have you joined our online community? 2012 IEEE Computational Intelligence
Vol. 7(1), pp. 4-5,79 
article URL 
Bianconi, A., Govone, J., Manly, B. & Watts, M. The use of a multivariate statistical procedure in analysing the germination process of two bean cultivars, compared with a univariate approach 2011 Proceedings of the International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
Vol. 1(2), pp. 70-76 
article URL 
Fordham, D., Akcakaya, H., Araujo, M., Elith, J., Keith, D., Pearson, R.G., Auld, T., Mellin, C., Morgan, J., Regan, T., Tozer, M., Watts, M., White, M., Wintle, B., Yates, C. & Brook, B. Plant extinction risk under climate change: are forecast range shifts alone a good indicator of species vulnerability to global warming? 2011 Global Change Biology
Vol. Accepted, pp. - 
article URL 
Pontin, D., Schliebs, S., Worner, S. & Watts, M. Finding relevant data in noisy, complex ecological times series: a comparison of two feature selection methods 2011 Ecological Modelling
Vol. 222(10), pp. 1657-1665 
article URL 
Watts, M. Using data clustering as a method of estimating the risk of establishment of bacterial crop diseases 2011 Computational Ecology and Software
Vol. 1(1), pp. 1-13 
article URL 
Watts, M., Bianconi, A., Serapiao, A., Govone, J. & von Zuben, C. The Effectiveness of Artificial Neural Networks in Modelling the Nutritional Ecology of a Blowfly Species 2011 Ecological Modelling  incollection  
Watts, M., Li, Y., Russell, B., Mellin, C., Connell, S. & Fordham, D. A novel method for mapping reefs and subtidal rocky habitats using artificial neural networksA novel method for mapping reefs and subtidal rocky habitats using artificial neural networks 2011 Ecological Modelling
Vol. 222(15), pp. 2606-2614 
article URL 
Watts, M. & Worner, S. Improving cluster-based methods for investigating potential for insect species establishment: region-specific risk factors 2011 Computational Ecology and Software
Vol. 1(3), pp. 138-145 
article URL 
Watts, M.J. & Worner, S. Using Artificial Neural Networks to Predict the Distribution of Bacterial Crop Diseases from Biotic and Abiotic Factors 2011 Computational Ecology and Software
Vol. Accepted, pp. - 
Watts, M. Towards a formalisation of evolving connectionist systems 2010 Artificial Neural Networks  incollection  
Watts, M. & Worner, S. Modelling Insect Habitat Suitability with Artificial Neural Networks 2010 Insect Habitats: Characteristics, Diversity and Management  incollection  
Watts, M. A decade of Kasabov’s Evolving Connectionist Systems: A Review 2009 IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part C - Applications and Reviews
Vol. 39(3), pp. 253-269 
article URL 
Watts, M. & Worner, S. Estimating the risk of insect species invasion: Kohonen self-organising maps versus k-means clustering 2009 Ecological Modelling
Vol. 220(6), pp. 821-829 
article URL 
Pontin, D., Watts, M. & Worner, S. Using Multi-Layer Perceptrons to Predict the Presence of Jellyfish of the Genus Physalia at New Zealand Beaches 2008 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 2008, Hong Kong, June 1-6, 2008., pp. 1171-1176  inproceedings URL 
Pontin, D., Worner, S. & Watts, M. Using Time Lagged Input Data to Improve Prediction of Stinging Jellyfish Occurrence at New Zealand Beaches by Multi-Layer Perceptrons 2008 Proceedings of ICONIP 2008, LNCS 5506, pp. 907-914  inproceedings URL 
Watts, M. & Worner, S. Using Artificial Neural Networks to Determine the Relative Contribution of Abiotic Factors Influencing the Establishment of Insect Pest Species 2008 Ecological Informatics
Vol. 3(1), pp. 64-74 
article URL 
Watts, M. & Worner, S. Comparing Ensemble and Cascaded Neural Networks that Combine Biotic and Abiotic Variables to Predict Insect Species Distribution 2008 Ecological Informatics
Vol. 3(6), pp. 354-366 
article URL 
Watts, M. & Worner, S. Predicting the Distribution of Fungal Crop Diseases from Abiotic and Biotic Factors using Multi-layer Perceptrons 2008 Proceedings of ICONIP 2008, LNCS 5506, pp. 899-906  inproceedings URL 
S.P., W., M.J., W., J.P.W., P. & M., G. Being prepared: ecological informatics and computational intelligence methods applied to invasive insect risk assessment 2008 International Congress of Entomology, 6-11 July, Durban, South Africa, 2008  inproceedings  
Watts, M. & Worner, S. Further Sensitivity Analysis of Simple Evolving Connectionist Systems Applied to the Lincoln Aphid Data Set 2007   techreport URL 
Watts, M. & Worner, S. Comparison of Multi-Layer Perceptrons and Simple Evolving Connectionist Systems over the Lincoln Aphid Data Set 2007   techreport URL 
Watts, M. & Worner, S. Using Multi-Layer Perceptrons to Model the Lincoln Aphid Data Set 2007   techreport URL 
Fairweather, J., Hunt, L., Rosin, C., Campbell, H., Benge, J. & Watts, M. Understanding kiwifruit management using causal mapping 2006 (Research Report 06/09)  techreport URL 
Watts, M. Nominal-Scale Evolving Connectionist Systems 2006 Proceedings of 2006 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2006), Vancouver, Canada,, pp. 4057-4061  inproceedings URL 
Watts, M. & Worner, S. Comparison of a Self Organising Map and Simple Evolving Connectionist System for Predicting Insect Pest Establishment 2006 International Journal of Information Technology
Vol. 12(6), pp. 35-42 
article URL 
Watts, M. & Worner, S. Using MLP to Determine Abiotic Factors Influencing the Establishment of Insect Pest Species 2006 Proceedings of 2006 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2006), Vancouver, Canada, pp. 3506-3511  inproceedings URL 
Watts, M. & Worner, S. Null-model Validation of MLP Input Contribution Analysis in Ecology 2006 6th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 06') and 4th Conference on Neuro-Computing and Evolving Intelligence (NCEI ‘06). 13-15 December, AUT Technology Park, Auckland, New Zealand  inproceedings  
Worner, S. & Watts, M. Null Model Analysis of a Self Organising Map of Invasive Species Distribution 2006 5th International Conference on Ecological Informatics (ISEI5) Novel Computational Techniques for Improved Management, Understanding and Forecasting of Complex Ecological Data

December 4 – 6, 2006, Santa Barbara, CA, USA 2006 

Worner, S., Watts, M. & Gevrey, M. Bootstrapping a self organising map model to estimate the uncertainty in assemblages of alien invasive species. Proceedings Management of sustainability and ecological modelling 2006 International Congress of Ecological Modelling, August 28 - September 1, Ube -Yamaguchi, Japan 2006, pp. 206-207  inproceedings  
Watts, M. ANN Rule Extraction using Evolutionary Programmed Fuzzy Membership Functions 2005 International Journal of Information Technology: Special Issue on Evolutionary Algorithm and Advanced Learning System
Vol. 11(10), pp. 45-53 
article URL 
Watts, M. ANN Rule Extraction using Evolutionary Programmed Fuzzy Membership Functions 2005 Proceedings of 2005 International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC 2005), Hefei, PRC, pp. 2517-2526  inproceedings  
Watts, M. & Worner, S. Comparison of Artificial Neural Networks Models for Predicting Insect Pest Establishment 2005 Proceedings of 2005 International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC 2005), Hefei, PRC, pp. 520-529  inproceedings  
Worner, S.P., Watts, M., Gevrey, M. & Pitt, J. Neuro-computing methods as aids to assessing the invasion potential of alien insects 2005 IX International Congress of Ecology, August 7-12 2005, Montreal, Canada  inproceedings  
Watts, M. Fuzzy Rule Extraction from Simple Evolving Connectionist Systems 2004 International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, Special Issue on Neuro-Computing and Hybrid Methods for Evolving Intelligence
Vol. 4(3), pp. 299-308 
article URL 
Watts, M. Evolving connectionist systems: characterisation, simplification, formalisation, explanation and optimisation 2004 School: University of Otago  phdthesis URL 
Watts, M., Worner, S., Lankin, G. & Teulon, D. A Comparison of MLP and ECoS Networks for the Prediction of the Flight of Aphids in Autumn Sown Wheat Crops 2004 Proceedings Conference on Neuro-Computing and Evolving Intelligence 2004, NCEI'04, 13-15 December, 2004, AUT Technology Park, 581 Great South Road, Auckland, New Zealand.  inproceedings  
Ghobakhlou, A., Watts, M. & Kasabov, N. Adaptive speech recognition with evolving connectionist systems 2003 Information sciences
Vol. 156(1-2), pp. 71-83 
article URL 
Laws, M. & Watts, M. Polynesian translation system 2003 Neuro-Computing and Evolving Intelligence, November 20-21, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand  inproceedings  
Moyle, S. & Watts, M. Neural Nets Raise the Roof 2003 IEEE Intelligent Systems
Vol. 18(1), pp. 8-10 
article URL 
Watts, M. Fuzzy rule extraction from simple evolving connectionist systems 2003 Neuro-Computing and Evolving Intelligence, November 20-21, 2003, Auckland, New Zealand  inproceedings  
Moyle, S.A. & Watts, M. Fuzzy Neural Networks in a Palm Environment 2002 Proceedings of the Fourteenth National Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence / IAAI-02 Eighteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-02), pp. 1008-1009  inproceedings  
Moyle, S. & Watts, M. Fuzzy Neural Networks (FuNN) in the Palm Environment 2002   techreport URL 
Pollock, R., Lane, T. & Watts, M. A Kohonen Self-Organizing Map for the functional classification of proteins based on one-dimensional sequence information 2002 Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2002, pp. 189-192  inproceedings URL 
Watts, M. & Kasabov, N. Evolutionary Optimisation of Evolving Connectionist Systems 2002 Proceedings of the Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 2002, pp. 606-610  inproceedings URL 
Watts, M., Major, L. & Tate, W. Evolutionary Optimisation of Multi-layer Perceptrons for Modelling Protein Synthesis Termination Signal Efficiency 2002 Proceedings of the Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 2002, pp. 193-198  inproceedings  
Moyle, S. & Watts, M. The Roof Maintenance Problem - a Fuzzy Expert System 2001 Proceedings of the Fifth Biannual Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Expert Systems (ANNES2001), pp. 213-217  inproceedings  
Moyle, S. & Watts, M. The roof maintenance problem — a fuzzy expert system 2001   techreport URL 
Watts, M. & Kasabov, N. Dynamic optimisation of evolving connectionist system training parameters by pseudo-evolution strategy 2001 Proceedings of the Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 2001. Seoul, Korea, pp. 1335-1342  inproceedings URL 
Watts, M.J., Major, L., Kasabov, N. & Tate, W. Neural Network Analysis of Protein Synthesis Termination Signal Efficiency 2001 Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP) 2001, Shanghai, China, pp. 975-980  inproceedings URL 
Ghobakhlou, A., Watts, M. & Kasabov, N. On-line expansion of output space in evolving fuzzy neural networks 2000 Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP) 2000. Taejon, Korea, pp. 891-896  inproceedings URL 
Laws, M., Kilgour, R. & Watts, M. Analysis of the New Zealand English and Maori on-line translator 2000 Proceedings of the Fifth Joint Conference on Information Sciences. Atlantic City, pp. 848-851  inproceedings  
Watts, M. & Kasabov, N. Simple evolving connectionist systems and experiments on isolated phoneme recognition 2000 Proceedings of the first IEEE conference on evolutionary computation and neural networks. San Antonio, pp. 232-239  inproceedings URL 
Kasabov, N., Kozma, R., Kilgour, R., Laws, M., Taylor, J., Watts, M. & Gray, A. Hybrid connectionist-based methods and systems for speech data analysis and phoneme-based speech recognition 1999 Neuro-Fuzzy Techniques for Intelligent Information Processing, pp. 241-26  incollection URL 
Kasabov, N., Tuck, D. & Watts, M. Implementing knowledge and data fusion in a versatile software environment for adaptive learning and decision-making 1999 Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION'99), International Society of Information Fusion (ISIF), pp. 455-462  inproceedings URL 
Kasabov, N. & Watts, M. Spatial-Temporal Adaptation in Evolving Fuzzy Neural Networks for On-line Adaptive Phoneme Recognition 1999 (TR99/03)  techreport URL 
Tuck, D., M.J., W., Song, Q. & Kasabov, N. A practical and flexible environment for adaptive knowledge and data fusion applications 1999 Proceedings of International Conference On Applications of Intelligent Systems, Melbourne, Australia  inproceedings URL 
Watts, M. Evolving connectionist systems for biochemical applications 1999 Emerging Knowledge Engineering and Connectionist-based Systems (Proceedings of the ICONIP/ANZIIS/ANNES'99 Workshop "Future directions for intelligent systems and information sciences", Dunedin, 22-23 Nov.1999). Dunedin, pp. 147-151  inproceedings  
Watts, M. An investigation of the properties of evolving fuzzy neural networks 1999 Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP) 1999. Perth, Australia, pp. 217-221  inproceedings URL 
Watts, M. & Kasabov, N. Neuro-genetic tools and techniques 1999 Neuro-Fuzzy Techniques for Intelligent Information Processing, pp. 97-110  incollection URL 
Watts, M., Kasabov, N. & Middlemiss, M. mRNA splice site prediction with evolving connectionist systems 1999 FAOBMB Genome Diversity and Bioinformatics, Dunedin, New Zealand, November 28th to December 3rd 1999  inproceedings  
Watts, M., Woodford, B. & Kasabov, N. FuzzyCOPE - a software environment for building intelligent systems - the past, the present and the future 1999 Emerging Knowledge Engineering and Connectionist-based Systems (Proceedings of the ICONIP/ANZIIS/ANNES'99 Workshop "Future directions for intelligent systems and information sciences", Dunedin, 22-23 Nov.1999). Dunedin, pp. 188-192  inproceedings URL 
Kasabov, N., Kozma, R. & Watts, M.J. Phoneme-based speech recognition via fuzzy neural networks modeling and learning 1998 Information Sciences
Vol. 110(1-2), pp. 61-79 
Watts, M. & Kasabov, N. Genetic algorithms for the design of fuzzy neural networks 1998 Proceedings of ICONIP'98 Conference. Kitakyushu, Japan, pp. 793-796  inproceedings URL 
Kasabov, N., Kim, J., Watts, M. & Gray, A. FuNN/2 - A fuzzy neural network architecture for adaptive learning and knowledge acquisition in multi-modular distributed environments 1997 Information Sciences
Vol. 101(3-4), pp. 155-175 
article URL 
Kasabov, N., Kozma, R., Kilgour, R., Laws, M., Taylor, J., Watts, M. & Gray, A. A Methodology for Speech Data Analysis and a Framework for Adaptive Speech Recognition Using Fuzzy Neural Networks 1997 Progress in Connectionist-Based Information Systems, Proceedings of the ICONIP / ANZIIS / ANNES '97. Dunedin, pp. 1055-1060  inproceedings  
Kasabov, N. & Watts, M. Genetic algorithms for structural optimization, dynamic adaptation and automated design of fuzzy neural networks 1997 Proceedings of ICNN '97 Conference. Houston, Texas, pp. 2546-2549  inproceedings URL 
Ward, R., Purvis, M., Raykov, R., Zhang, F. & Watts, M. An architecture for distributed connectionist computation 1997 Progress in Connectionist-Based Information Systems, Proceedings of the ICONIP / ANZIIS / ANNES '97. Dunedin, pp. 721-724  inproceedings URL 

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